Found! Original Valve Stem Caps for a 2000 Audi TT Mk1

Audi TT Valve stem caps zaw-355-000-TT
Audi TT Valve stem caps zaw-355-000-TT

Upon getting my Audi TT last year, the one part that was missing was 1 valve stem cap with the original black TT on them. I had 3 of them and 1 missing. I tried to order them through online resources and kept getting Out-of-Stock messages from various suppliers most of them do not have a clear photo either. Eventually I found them on Ebay and snatched them up.

Now, I got them and want to show a quality photo in the packaging  and the correct part number (zaw-355-000-TT) or (ZAW 355 000 TT).  I got these about 1 year ago and I only needed 1, so I have 4 spares to hold on to. If you do come across these on ebay or such, collect 'em all, because they are vary rare.

Audi TT Valve stem caps zaw-355-000-TT

1 thought on “Found! Original Valve Stem Caps for a 2000 Audi TT Mk1”

  1. Hello 2KTT,
    Would you be willing to sell two? I have been looking for these original valve stem caps for our 2003 Audi TT roadster to replace two stolen caps. My search included a trip to a German car wrecking yard. The very helpful guy there found your post. I’ve been searching on ebay and other sites, without luck. So was thrilled. Please let me know if you’re willing to part with two. And I completely understand if you’d rather hold onto your treasure. Thanks!

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