All Audi TT owners are invited to join the Las Vegas TT Club on its annual Holiday Drive.
This year we will be driving out toward Jean, Nevada to see the 7 Magic Mountains (before the exhibit is removed Dec. 31st).
Then it is on to Goodsprings’ famous bar, the Pioneer Saloon. (minors and dogs ok too).
When: December 9, 2018
Start: Boca Park Parking Lot (12:00 noon – roll out at 12:30pm) 740 South Rampart Blvd. in Summerlin
First Stop: 7 Magic Mountains (30 miles) – (Picture time)
Second Stop: Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, NV (14 more miles)
Lunch at the Pioneer Saloon
Total Trip one way: 44 miles
-Update Photos from Event:
Map below